Bratislava, 23rd February 2025
InoBat has been a supplier to Lilium and remains a creditor like many others. The Board of InoBat has undertaken an investigation following reports in the Press of Marian Bocek’s involvement in the refinancing of Lilium. We find that before Christmas 2024, Marian Bocek, InoBat’s CEO, was approached by Lilium management informing him about lack of investment and risk of Lilium ceasing its activities. Marian was encouraged to find the solution to save Lilium. He did his best to assist in his personal capacity.
We note that the ultimate responsibility for any company remains with its leadership and in line with its corporate governance. InoBat’s Board wish Lilium success in its future attempts to recapitalise and commercialise the Lilium jet but underlines the factual position that InoBat is in no way involved in this endeavour.